St Catherine's Moorabbin
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14 - 28 Fletcher Street

Phone: 03 9555 7200

Library / Learning Hub News


Scholastic Book Club

Welcome back to another year of Bookclubs and BookFairs.
For the new families who have joined our school, there are 8 Book club newspapers that will be sent home during the year.
We have two Book Fairs, one in May and one later in the year.
BookClub 1 was sent home last week and there are some fantastic Books, games and activities in this catalog.
To place an order it is very simple either send the name of the book and money in cash in an envelope clearly marking the child’s name and class and I will do the rest, 
Another way to pay and order is by the Linked Online Ordering & Payment Platform (LOOP).
This is a very easy way to order and pay online for your child’s Book Club order using your credit card.
Your order will be electronically linked to your school when you order and and pay by LOOP.
All orders will be sent directly to the school, for delivery to your child’s class.
All books purchased give St Catherine’s reward points that we use to purchase new books for the Library.
Please if you have any questions , please come and see me.
Thanks for your support.
Kath Barca