
St Catherine’s School we are:

"Inspired by our faith in Jesus Christ to hope, love, learn and respond"

We are committed to developing learners who are curious, creative and critical thinkers able to confidently communicate, collaborate and respond within local and global communities.


Our school Values encourage all in our school community to make a difference by demonstrating:

RESPECT for all

We respect people, belongings and the environment.


We are inclusive, empathetic, collaborative and problem solvers.

RESTORING relationships

We forgive and look at mistakes as an opportunity to learn and change.

Enactment of School Vision and Philosophy

In all documents, in all practice by students and teachers, in work with the School Advisory Council and the community, in all teaching and learning programs, in all school initiatives, in all internal and external interactions, in all organisational structures and practices the vision of the school will sit at the centre and there will be expectations about all work aligning with the school vision.  Regular evaluation processes will be in place to measure performance in all areas of the school with respect to the implementation of the vision and values of the school.

The process at our school can be represented as the vision, catholic values and beliefs at the centre.  In an outer ring there will be a set of principles.  As a further outer ring will be a set of practices.  A detailed list of school policies sits within this framework. In all work in the school, the question “Is this work or process in line with the school vision, catholic values and beliefs?”  This question will be a fundamental part of the practice of all leaders in the school.

Statement of Values

Australian society is defined, among other aspects, by a belief in elected Government; by a commitment to the rule of law, to equal rights for all before the law; and by a belief in freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of association. Our society is also tolerant of a range of religious, political, social and cultural beliefs and values in the context of the fundamental principle of our democracy.

The ‘Education and Reform Act 2006’ requires all education providers to operate in a manner consistent with this set of Australian democratic principles.

In accordance with the Act we will deliver our programs and teaching in a manner that supports and promotes the principles and practice of Australian democracy. This includes a commitment to:

  • Elected government
  • The rule of law
  • Equal rights for all before the law
  • Freedom of religion
  • Freedom of speech and association
  • The values of openness and tolerance
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